The field of lilies [the picture] triggers certain emotions, imaginations, qualities, characteristics. It is something special, something natural though artificial at the same time. A natural accumulation. An artificial restriction. A variety and a unity, simplicity and complexity. The lily itself is a repeated detail, each unique but yet a natural repetition. Something small in the big and something big in the small.
lilienfeld is inspired by this association and aims to translate these natural rules of unity and detail into it’s design. Sometimes literally and sometimes according to the meaning. (DH 2006)
lilienfeld is inspired by this association and aims to translate these natural rules of unity and detail into it’s design. Sometimes literally and sometimes according to the meaning. (DH 2006)

lilienfeld is a “small” graphic-design-office with the emphasis on concept and detail. The medium is secondary. We do like to work on a direct way with our clients. Taking their wishes into account and letting them know functional and “nice” design-solutions. For both sides its a process of learning and respect. (DH 2019)

I started to study. And I learned to work with and to interpret the three basic forms. I learned to mutate and transform them in the 2nd and 3rd dimension. I worked with positive and negative forms, with space and composition. My first typography teacher came from Switzerland. Typography was to be based on a grid! It was a game between black and white. Reduction was the main parameter of all works. So I left to see Dutch design. I learned to associate, to feel and to work again with more colours. I stayed. I met freedom and got back to painting. Besides that nature became a big element in my design work. It made me discover the comlexity of simplicity. This brought me to fractals and the wish to find freedom for my grids; freedom in borders. Nature, mathematics, feeling, freedom, borders, space, rules, thinking, doing, grids, chaos and order. We can learn from everything we see and use it how it is or we can try to understand and transform it to a different level. Translating literally or according to the meaning. (DH 1999)